If there's a way to fail as a Christian, I feel like I've found it. No I haven't committed murder, but God doesn't call us to perfect ourselves, he calls us to have faith in Him who perfects us. ( Philippians 1:6, Hebrews 12:2) That is where I fail, faith. Trust and reliance aren't my strong suits either. We are called to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). However, like Peter, I often walk by sight and not by faith. Peter, walking by faith was able to walk on water, but when he started walking by sight he noticed his circumstances, he looked at the wind and at his situation, and he was frightened. (Matthew 14:22 - 36)


But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" - Matthew 14:30


Peters heroism....Peter sank. Is this where the term "sinking feeling" originated? This event is widely known, and Peters role in it? He sank. Don't get me wrong, I love Peter, and I relate with him very well. Like Peter I often feel like I'm sinking. My situation is bad and seems like it can only get worse. Peter wasn't frightened because he was sinking, (as we learn later, he knows how to swim [John 21:7]), Peter was scared because this was the preliminary to him perishing in the storm (Matthew 14:24).


The next part of this story is exciting, Peter who failed to walk by faith, began examining all his options, then he decided on the most logical course of action, Peter cried out, "Lord, save me!" At this point Peter had walked with Jesus for some time. Peter had seen many miracles in fact earlier that day Peter saw Jesus feed 5000 with the amount of food that would normally feed half a dozen. How does Jesus respond?


Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" - Matthew 14:31


You think Peter was discouraged at Jesus's words? I wouldn't be. In that situation I would be rejoicing! Jesus saved me from perishing! Jesus didn't even allow him to splash around a bit to emphasize His rebuke, it states here He grabbed him "Immediately"! Take notice too just before this when all the disciples in the boat became scared at the storm Jesus immediately spoke to them words of encouragement. (Matthew 14:27). (Jesus is not sadistic, He loves us!).


Maybe you found yourself like Peter, doubting Jesus. Not trusting in His ability to sustain you, not understanding how you are safe in your current circumstances; feeling like a failure in faith. I know I have. I would read this story and the part where Jesus was rebuking Peter did not bother me (not to minimize it), I found comfort knowing that while being rebuked I was in Jesus's arms. In fact I am excited. Even though the tone of Jesus's voice might not be pleasant, He can't hide the fact that He loves me, after all we are in His arms.

You see God's faithfulness to us does not depend on our faithfulness to Him. His faithfulness to us is completely conditional on one thing, Himself. God's pillars of faithfulness are deeply grounded in His nature. His promises are backed by the contract of His character. For God cannot deny Himself.


If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself. - 2 Timothy 2:13