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Have a pearl you wish to share with the world? We're interested too! The body of Christ is made up of many members (Rom. 12:4, 1 Cor. 12:12) and we all have different gifts, roles, and talents from God as part of His body. Furthermore we all have unique experiences that not everyone in the body has had. Therefore we welcome others to share their wisdom and participate as iron sharpening iron (Prov. 27:17).


If you are interested in becoming a site author please register using the link at the top of this page and once an admin approves your registration you may begin submitting articles.


We take a great interest and effort in providing truth to those that come across our site. Therefore articles are subject to editing and approval by other members before being published. We may choose to discuss with you any or all aspects of your article prior to approval with a goal of seeking the truth together in a loving manner. (See James 3:1, and 1 Cor. 14:29). Make sure your registration includes your full name and at least a valid email address where we can reach you.


All authors must agree with the statement of faith in it's entirety in order to be considered for publishing. By submitting work to us you are agreeing to the full statement of faith listed in our resource section. If you do not agree with the statement of faith than please do not submit any articles. It's important to us that any follow up counseling between authors and inquiring readers be from someone firmly grounded in the fundamental truths of the Bible.


The owners and publishers of this site reserve the right to edit and/or discuss with you aspects of your article prior to publishing. The owners and publishers of this site reserve the right to refuse publishing of any article for any or no reason. By submitting articles to this site you agree to all terms listed herein and that you have all rights to the material you wish to submit and you agree to release any and all rights to the material once submitted which is required for us to publish your work.


Book Studies

Theological Studies

Study Series

The Gospel of Salvation



Drop Me a Line

Have some feedback, insight, questions, comments, prayer requests, etc? Maybe you just want to share what God is doing in your life (I love praise reports), or maybe you can relate to some of the things here and need an ear. I'd love to hear from you!