The Overriding
Love of God
When Jesus was focused on the crucifixion to come He was in agony, but when He focused on you He endured it with joy.

For His Glory
The Best Gift!
I have heard it said many times that God does what He does for His glory. One must ask then, what is glory? It's important to understand what glory is if we are going to understand how it fits into God's reason for doing what God does.

The Pain
of Being Sifted
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” - Luke 22:31-32
Notice it doesn't say if, it says when.

Who We Are
In Christ
To understand who we are in Christ we must first understand who we aren't in Christ. This is important to understand because only after a Christian understands that he has nothing to merit's God's favor will he also realize God's favor does not rest on his merits. For if we believe God loves us based on our merit, then the days will come when we will believe that His affection has diminished because our works are small, or that His care has vanished because our deeds are wrong.

Doubt is not
Doubt is not unbelief. Doubt is often mistaken for unbelief, but there is a very distinct difference between the two. Doubt is a lack of certainty, questioning what one believes. Unbelief is a choice, choosing to not believe despite the evidence given.