Theological Studies
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I often would like to think I'm in a better state than those who might struggle with Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity...and if I'm being honest I often find myself in a judgmental stance regarding the subject, after all as a Christian we know better right? Well....don't we?


The judgment I often hold is this, that men and women have become delusional about which gender they are. Furthermore the new societal norm is to further feed into that delusion by supporting it even when it makes no logical sense to do so, and this, in my eyes, is terribly wrong and I believe such people should be removed from being educators, teachers, pastors, leaders, and examples to our kids. “Ship 'em off to an island and let them die in their filth” as someone dear to me would often say.


But here is my conviction... do we not do the same?


Jesus warned us “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matt. 7:1). This was a warning to those who would judge others and thereby acknowledge that they themselves know such things to be wrong, and Jesus is warning you that therefore before the throne of judgment will have no excuse because in your judgment of them you testify of your knowledge that such things are wrong, and now when He examines you, He will use the same measure of contempt with you that you poured onto them.


But does that apply here we might ask? I mean I don't struggle with gender identity, I was born male, I identify as male, so clearly I don't have a speck in my eye do I and therefore I'm clear to remove the log from theirs...right? But the question is, is my eye clear? Is yours?


Sure their delusion may not be the same one you have, but may I challenge you to other possible delusions in your life that you may indeed have? Perhaps you humanize your pets and presume to know what they are thinking and speak for them as if it's them speaking to people. Perhaps you regard your dead loved ones being right beside you cracking jokes with you as you go on with your life. Maybe you think you're getting into heaven because you've done more good than bad. Maybe you see yourself as a powerful influencer though you have no followers. Maybe you think the later transformer movies are better than the first. Perhaps you think you're ready to go on The Voice though you have no voice and are in danger of being like many others on that show who have been utterly disgraced (I often wonder, has not one person in their life been willing to be honest with them before they embarrass themselves in front of so many? (Prov. 27:6)).


And what about identity? Do we ever identify with things that aren't us? Let me ask, have you ever felt insulted because someone took a jab at your brand of vehicle preference? Have you ever held in contempt those who prefer Microsoft products over Apple products or viceversa? Have you ever taken up arms against those who do not cheer for the same sports team you do? If so it's because you identify, at least to some degree, is in these things...though these things are not you.


But what about as Christians are we delusional? Well... yes. This is why we preach the gospel to ourselves daily, to remember the truth that we so easily wonder from and become delusional about our spiritual reality. For example, if you feel you can't approach God for any reason, you are delusional. Christ Himself opened the Holy of Holies specifically so you would have unhindered direct access to the Throne of God, and that God wouldn't be hindered from lavishing undeserved favor on you (Matt. 27:51, Heb. 4:10). If you feel you've let God down, then you're delusional in thinking God somehow didn't know every choice you'd ever make before you made it..things He knew when He called you. If you think God is far away and aloof, than you're delusional as He is with you, and as a Christian, He dwells in You, wherever you go, He goes, and He will never leave You (Matt. 1:23, Heb. 13:5-6)


What I'm getting at is this. Don't be so quick to think you're doing better. You may not struggle with the same delusions but should we sit down together and speak for a time, more than likely, you in some area of your life believe something not grounded in truth. I'm not condoning the support of gender delusions, I'm rebuking myself for thinking myself as being any better. I write this article from experience. If God ships them off to an island...we go with them for we are in the same boat as they are.


Sin is still wrong in all it's abundance of shapes and sizes, but if we look upon sinners with disgust, with contempt in our hearts, than we are only heaping judgment on ourselves. God did not give us the law that we may beat others over the head with it, but that we would see in ourselves our utter need for Jesus (Gal. 3:24)...and this should be our heart's response to our fellow sinner struggling with their own sins regardless of what that might be, that we reach out a hand, and invite them to the same Savior that reached His hand out to you (Rom. 2:4).


Book Studies

Theological Studies

Study Series

The Gospel of Salvation



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